Who We Serve

Whether you are a young professional, an upstart company, an established restaurant or retail outlet, a Fortune 500 mainstay, or a government or non-government organization, our partners and associates have substantial industry depth and subject matter expertise to quickly understand your challenges and needs. Though many of the overarching issues are similar, each situation has its own unique set of variables that require a customized approach, so we listen well, and bring in partners and associates from various sectors to discuss the issues, needs, and approaches that best meet your objectives. Just a few of the professionals and industries we work with include:

Our Portfolio shows just a few of the organizations and companies Sage & Santo partners and associates have supported through consultation and technical support. However, the greatest sense of accomplishment has come from the number of professionals our associates have guided, mentored, trained, coached, and supported through difficult periods, and into new jobs, promotions, and better work performance.