Does your agency, division or work unit need a change to move from surviving, to excelling?

  • Are you unsure of how well your divisions, branches, and teams are performing?
  • Are good employees looking to leave their positions?
  • Do you have systems and protocols in place to evaluate efficiency, effectiveness, and quality?
  • Who is monitoring your operation for efficiency?
  • Do you know which strategies, methods, and tactics are needed to effect change?

Sage & Santo partners and associates are former and current government executives who understand the pace, sophisticated processes, and needs of the government workplace. From workforce competency to change management and leadership development, our experience and achievements are substantial. Sage & Santo partners and associates have all excelled by acknowledging the realities of the government environment and structuring strategies and actions to address “how it is,” in order to get to “how it should be.”

Sage & Santo has a comprehensive portfolio of government experience providing consultation and service on strategic development, quality audits, management performance assessments, research and evaluation, al the way to on-the-spot grant reviews and document development and editing. As with our corporate clients, Sage & Santo delivers mixed-method analysis  and customized solutions to meet client needs. We collect the right information, correctly, to provide you with accurate analyses and recommendations you can make high-confidence decisions upon. Sage & Santo meets you where you are, and moves you to where you want to be.

Sage & Santo provides 3 types of services to government clients:

Quick consults or consultations by phase to help you work through issues or major decisions.

Depending on your needs, a Sage & Santo partner or associate will arrive onsite and conduct a quality assessment. The assessment will generate an in-depth analytic  report of specific, reality-based findings, improvement plan and options, and resources that directly address your need and get you to where you want to be.

Strategic plans, policies, standard operating procedures (SOP), business forms, surveys, grants, program and project plans, Sage & Santo will review and deliver recommendations, edits, or construct a modified or entirely new document that reflects your professionalism, attention to detail, and quality. We will ensure you achieve the outcome you intended.

Sage & Santo partners and associates work to deliver what is needed for success; we give you what you need to get you where you want to be.



We can assess your situation and provide you with options.